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O. T. Socas reside en Estados Unidos. Ha publicado en revistas y periódicos digitales e impresos. Su libro de poesía Casajena fue finalista del premio Letras de Oro de la Universidad de Miami.

The latest Tweets from Carmen Socas (@SocasC). enamorada del paisaje, me encanta la fotografía

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Disclaimer. All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only.

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A style of music, originating in Trinidad and Tobago, that is a blend of Soul and Calypso. Originally combined the melodic lilting sound of Calypso with insistent percussion (which is often electronic in recent music) and local Chutney music. The reputed father of Soca was Lord Shorty (born Garfield Blackman), in Trinidad and Tobago, whose 1973 recording of "Indrani" started the trend.

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